Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I still haven't read Suite Francaise!

However I have started it. I read about 2 pages about a month ago.

Hester was reading it on the plane and forgot her copy here, which I need to send back to her. I also have the copy Mom sent me (thanks Mom!).

Now I just need to sit down and read it!

Thursday, January 10, 2008


So, I'm waiting for Suite Francaise to be available at any library in Utah County (seriously, is it that popular?), and in the meantime picked up Atonement off of my roommate's bookshelf. (She's an English major... TONS of books that I haven't read, and I'm looking forward to it!)

So far I like the book a lot. It's very descriptive (although at one point the descriptive gets a little graphic), and a very compelling read.

Has anyone read it or watched the trailer for the movie?