Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Sleeper

I am in an AR Points competition with Kyle McClure at Clifton - and he's inching closer to me - I am in the lead at the moment - so I had to ratchet up the adolescent lit reading. Actually, I haven't done much reading at all for several weeks - too much else going on - and when I snuggle up with a book at night, it's pretty much snoozeville for me!

I can't even remember when or how I got this. I think it was a bonus from a book fair last fall. I was at home and needed something worth a lot of points - so I picked it up. The cover never appealed to me - but, Surprise!! what a great little novel!!

I'm not sure if it's in England or the U.S. It is modern - but not overly so - little reference to technology other than a reference to a microwave - nothing to tie it to a time or place - although there is a blizzard.

But a very compelling story! I'm not even sure how to describe it other than to say that you feel like cheering at the end. It's a Newbery Honor Book - give it a read through - I think you'll be glad you did.

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