Friday, August 19, 2011

On the film/literary front

It's been a busy summer indeed, but I have been doing some reading and seeing some movies. Ella and I enjoyed watching this film. It had come highly recommended, and I have to agree. If you are interested in autism and it's ramifications, you should see this movie. It looks like Claire Danes studied the real Temple Grandin, and she does an excellent job of genuinely portraying an individual with autism.

A while ago I read the first Theo Boone book by John Grisham, and I enjoyed it - as did everyone I gave it to! Once again the intrepid author has found a ready market - and tapped it wisely. It's for teens, but I enjoyed it too - vintage Grisham in a fast, easy format!

Hannah introduced me to Wendell Berry, and I must say I really enjoy his writing. I keep going to the library - because of my new-found resolve to quit buying so many books - and they don't have the Wendell Berry books I'm looking for - so I check out what they have! This one doesn't show up on a lot of the lists, but it was really very good - an excellent description of life and a marriage - how they failed and how they succeeded.

Ella said she read the book on this movie and loved it, so we watched the film too. It was not great art, but it was informative and entertaining - and clean enough to show my students!!

Right now I'm reading Quite a Year for Plums by Bailey White. I ran out of stuff to read at Eliza's and found this on her shelf - she said I gave it to her for Christmas one year. I don't remember doing that - or why I chose it either. It's well-written and quite charming - brings a smile not a chuckle - but it's a bit hard to follow. Maybe the end will tie it all together.

I'll let you know!

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