Friday, October 12, 2007

First book

Mom is reading Digging to America by Anne Tyler. Matt and I are reading Discover Your Inner Economist: Use Incentives to Fall in Love, Survive Your Next Meeting, and Motivate your Dentist by Tyler Cowen.

I actually have not read a ton of fiction lately. Another good nonfiction book I started but didn't finish (it was due at the library) was Our Babies, Ourselves: How Biology and Culture Shape the Way We Parent by Meredith Small. Fictionwise I just started The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards.

What are you reading, or what have you been wanting to read?

Do you want to vote on books, or take turns selecting? Should we get together a cache of books that we can go through over the next several months?

I was thinking we could take turns being the discussion leader, but that doesn't necessarily mean there only needs to be one post per book. We could also use this blog to post about other books we have read, but that kinda laps over into Goodreads.

Should we invite anyone else? Family, friends, both, I am open. Maybe e-mail your yay or nay and/or names of people to invite. People don't necessarily have to become a Blogger member to comment if that's too complicated, I mean if they aren't already bloggers. We could do e-mail invites, or general announcements on our blogs or the Terrill blog, or both. We should probably pick a book to start with first.


bonny with a Y said...

i am into trying to tackle the classics that i missed - les mis, jane austen (i've read a few, bronte, etc.

but i also love non fiction as well - esp bios and subjects that pertain to my current life.

bonny with a Y said...

and i think we should start with our current group - and re-evaluate in a few months.

bonny with a Y said...

in fact i think we should keep to our group and we could have guests post when deemed appropriate, or interesting, or what have you.

bonny with a Y said...

also - what might be fun - a women's theme -

american jezebel (anne hutchinson - ancestor)

marie antoinette

well behaved women seldom make history (or any of the laurel thatcher ulrich books - she's so interesting to me)

fem mystique

i am a mother

and i'm sure there are more

just a brain storm

we could also do theme like:

19th century, pioneer, early 20th century (STEINBECK!!!), etc.

bonny with a Y said...

i think i am done commenting now

it's feast or famine around here.

hanner said...

Wow, Bonny.

Umm... yeah, I am pretty much up for anything. Haha. I told Phoebe that I'm having a hard time being motivated to do anything lately, I am about 15 pages into 1776 and have been for the past month and I really need to get out of the rut.

Eliza said...

I am impressed with your 5 comments, Bonny. I am a multiple commenter myself, when I do comment.

I am also gearing up for some classics. I read an article in Real Simple, probably some of you did also, about the lady who decided she was going to learn all about opera, and then read all of Henry James, etc. I am aiming for a similar goal. Exercising my brain, if you will.

With the themes, are you thinking like do a theme at a time and discuss, or stick to one theme for a year or indefinitely or whatever?