I am officially inviting all of you to join my Summer Reading club. I think I will call it
Phoebe's Summer Reading Club-that is, until I come up with a catchier name.
The goal for Summer 2009 is lofty, but I think I will be able to reach it. I am going to read all of the Newberry Medal books in chronological order. I am excited for this adventure for many reasons. First, I am looking for new reading material to introduce to Henry- he definitely inherited the Terrill Reading Gene. I am always at a loss for new books for him. Second, I was surprised at how many book son the list I hadn't even heard of, I thought I had read most of them. Third, I think it will be interesting to compare all of the books over the years. I will be looking for trends, quality, genre, etc. Anyway, I am getting ready to roll on this one.
Are you game? I'll try to post regularly to this blog and Goodreads to keep you all updated on my progress. I am sure you will be waiting anxiously for my reports.