Friday, June 5, 2009

Summer Reading Club Challenge

I am officially inviting all of you to join my Summer Reading club. I think I will call it Phoebe's Summer Reading Club-that is, until I come up with a catchier name.
The goal for Summer 2009 is lofty, but I think I will be able to reach it. I am going to read all of the Newberry Medal books in chronological order. I am excited for this adventure for many reasons. First, I am looking for new reading material to introduce to Henry- he definitely inherited the Terrill Reading Gene. I am always at a loss for new books for him. Second, I was surprised at how many book son the list I hadn't even heard of, I thought I had read most of them. Third, I think it will be interesting to compare all of the books over the years. I will be looking for trends, quality, genre, etc. Anyway, I am getting ready to roll on this one.
Are you game? I'll try to post regularly to this blog and Goodreads to keep you all updated on my progress. I am sure you will be waiting anxiously for my reports.


hanner said...

I wish that I could be in on this too! :P

grannybabs said...

I'm up for it - I have poster of the winners in my classroom - and was intrigued by the number that have to do with sailing ships - these are in the 40's and 50's - and Miracles on Maple Hill is written by Virginia Sorenson - which I only learned a few years ago. (She wrote Where Nothing is Long Ago - a great read.)

Ashley said...

Not a Terrill, but I'd love to join this one, too!

(Let me think it over some more--I already have plenty of possible summer projects!)

Phoebe said...

Let me know if you are in and then I can send you a nifty bookmark with a list of all the books (courtesy of Powell's books-the greatest bookstore on the planet).

grannybabs said...

Hey Ashley, you can join and just talk about the ones you've already read - I suspect a lot of us will function that way!!

bonny with a Y said...

we MUST be sisters because ara and ella and i decided to do the same thing a few months ago.

can't wait - and the ala also has a list of the newberys and the honors too.

grannybabs said...

This should be some full on book group. When and where will we meet!! j/k

Ixchelle said...

Im in, phoebe. My kids are all book readers, so we will enjoy this one.

Karen said...

I'm in. I love reading from the Newbery award list. I have even seperated them on the bookshelf at one time (though, the kids may have misxed them up.) I have to say that most of them have been good reads.
My first Newbery read that I remember was Mrs. Frisby and the rats of NIMN. 5th grade.

Are you re-reading ones you have already read?

Karen said...

That would be 'separated' and NIMH. I need to proof read.

Eliza said...

Anyone get my Skype invites! If you sign up, we can chat 5 at a time--voice or video. I finally got it together and did a group call yesterday and it worked great.

I'm in...I think I will do what Babs suggested and possibly cheat a tiny bit (e.g., skimming if I run out of time...) with ones I have read over and over.

grannybabs said...

I think we have Skype - but I didn't get your invite.

jessica said...

I'm in. I went to our little library for the first time today and they actually have a fairly good collection and many of the Newberys. And perhaps Karen and I can borrow books from each other. I probably won't try to read in chronological order though, just whenever I can find them.

Diane said...

I enjoy your comments on this, especially the one about where and when will you meet. My question for you is, who is handling the refreshments? :) A critical part of every book group! Have fun!

Keli said...

Am I too slow? I would love to give this a try. Emma is already in a Novel Thoughts childrens book club at the library, but even though they give the kids a month to read the book, she finishes in 2 or 3 days! She definitely needs something too keep her occupied.

Sadly, I'm not familiar with the Newbery books. At least none that I'm aware of! How sad is that! But I vow to make sure Emma and the other girls (when the can read!) will know and love them!