Saturday, April 3, 2010

At the Terrill Backroom Cinema!!

Dad and I had a film from NetFlix arrive in November - and we never ended up watching it!! I finally just sent it back last week - and the film that had been number 2 on our queue was Roll Bounce - I can't remember who recommended it or why - but we watched it. And it wasn't great art, but it was entertaining. All my students knew about it - and seemed amazed that I'd seen it!

And then after the afternoon session of conference today, we just kind of stayed there on the couch and got "hooked" on One Good Man. Once again not great art, but it did have its moments. And we could relate.

The guy who played the stake president was named Kevin Westenskow - and he looks exactly like a friend of ours whose last name is Westenskow - so we're thinking they are related.

See, Mormons can always find a connection!

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