Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Reader

So, I just plowed through The Reader. It's only 218 pages long so it only took me a couple of hours to finish. Since a friend lent it to me I decided to work on this one before attacking the other books in the pile. And now I have one book adapted into a movie starring Kate Winslet down; maybe I'll start Revolutionary Road next.

Anyway, it's really powerful, and sad, and reads like a true story (to me, at any rate). And it's very conflicting. And it's not at all as graphic as I thought it would be--my friend who lent it to me said that she was a little shocked when she read it, but it's not very bad at all. (Although I can see why the movie is rated R.)

I especially think Mom might be interested in it, because it's about the Holocaust. It took me a while to figure out the time period of the book... I had to do some mental math to figure out when it took place.

Moving on. I think you'll all enjoy it. I wrote down a couple of phrases that I found interesting to the moral message of the novel. So, it's not super fluffy, but if you have a couple of hours to spare you could finish it rather easily, I'm sure. And Mom, promise me that you won't read the end before you finish the book. Thanks.


grannybabs said...

I really knew nothing about this book - or even that the movie came from a book - I will read it - no decision yet on whether or not I will read the end first though!!

hanner said...

If you read the end you might as well not read the book. I'm just warning you.

hanner said...

The more I think about it, the less surprising the twists are in the book. But I still don't condone reading the end first.

grannybabs said...

The book came - and I haven't read the end yet.