Monday, July 14, 2008

Mom will appreciate this

Well, maybe she will appreciate it. I don't know. I haven't read Twilight but I thought they were interesting. Two blog posts on Twilight (by the same person):

Why I Think Twilight Sucks, and Other Important Thoughts

A sampling:

"You guys... I SO didn't get it. I thought it was very meh, starting with the main character, Bella (otherwise known as the Queen of Meh).

"(Ooooh, do you hear that sound? It's me, getting delisted from 50 Twilight loving blogs at once. But I CANNOT BE SILENCED.)

"Ugh. She was so boring and stilted and dead inside. I kind of wanted to slap her. My theory is that Bella actually has Aspergers Syndrome and also a really bad inner ear infection that destroyed her sense of balance."

And then a damage-control post, after apparently she offended a few too many people:

What My Opinion of Twilight Does Not Mean

A sampling:

-That I think you are stupid
-That I think your daughter is stupid
-That I think you have bad taste in books
-That I think my opinion should matter to you
-That my heart is made of stone
-That I am cold and dead inside
-That Edward should suck my blood so that I can understand the depths of his beautiful soul

Thought you might enjoy the perspective of other people who were less than impressed by Stephenie Meyer's writing skills.


D. Scott said...

I don't know what it is about her, but she has definitely captured the tweens group.
Farah has devoured all 3 and is on the waiting list for the 4th one.
And I'm just happy that she's reading!

grannybabs said...

I am not disturbed at young girls reading it - I am disturbed when grown women think it´s good writing.

Although it´s probably better than the usual romance novel.

bonny with a Y said...

i'm curious to know which grown women think it is good writing.

grannybabs said...

One of the "grown" women is not Grandma Clayton - her book group is reading the 3rd one in the series - she read the first two chapters of "Twilight" and shut the book saying she wasn't going to bother with it!!