Sunday, February 1, 2009

Another book -

So, I'm spending lots of time on the couch - my knees are really painful - and lying on the couch with a pillow under them is a good way to rest them - so is soaking in the tub.

So I'm really getting books read - but they do have to be either compelling or lightweight - if it's a struggle to read them, I just don't.

Just finished the newest Grisham - The Associate. People magazine gave it a so-so review - and People isn't my idea of excellent critical writing, but I have to agree with them.

It was lightweight and I did want to see how it ended, but it is not vintage Grisham. It's definitely Grisham, but seems like he dashed it off - there was even a typo - a major one - the name was wrong - they had substituted another character's name!!

What is this world coming to anyway??

So if you are taking a long plane ride or need a good read that you won't expect too much from, you might try this one.

But I'm wondering when he's going to get serious about writing a compelling story - like Time to Kill or Pelican Brief.

Maybe it's just a job for him now!

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