Saturday, February 14, 2009

My stack

For Valentine's Day Robbie and I gave each other books. He had said that he wanted to read Freakonomics for a long time (it's really good, if you haven't read it), so I bought that for him, along with a copy of The Audacity of Hope for myself. And I had mentioned to Robbie that I wanted it a while back, so he bought it for me as a gift too. Haha.

So, we went to B&N last night for Valentine's Day (we are so exciting, we're not even celebrating on the actual day) and I exchanged it for What is the What by Dave Eggers and Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates. I've heard that the first is good, the second (the movie version at least) is very depressing. I'll be the judge of that.

And in the meantime I'm still reading Why Nations Go To War by John Stoessinger (one of Robbie's old texts), but I'm now on the chapter about the Palestine/Israel conflict, so at least I'm plugging along.

Unrelated question--I saw two of Irene Nemirovsky's books at the bookstore (not including Suite Francaise) and was wondering 1) if anyone had read them, or 2) if they came out before or after SF.


Eliza said...

My guess is that the IN books came out before SF because SF was published posthumously--she died while writing it. Although the others may have been published posthumously also. I just wanted to use the word "posthumously" multiple times.

The other books all sound interesting. I actually haven't read any of them (skimmed the beginning of AoH).

grannybabs said...

I have wanted to read them - because the reviews have been good.

I think I'd forgotten that I wanted to do that - so thanks for the reminder!!